• Lessons from Life

    I watched him
    Walking down my street,
    This stranger I had never met.
    I looked to see
    What kind of man was he.
    My eyes looked for
    Some trace of evil,
    Some sign to feed my fear.

    What you seek, you often find.
    Thus I found him a threat
    And prepared defense
    To keep him at bay.

    What then if I had searched
    For friendship’s sign,
    For all we shared
    And sought in common?

    Paul G. Weaver

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    When you meet another
    Take time
    To see yourself
    In them.
    Consider what they
    See in you.
    For in every meeting,
    To someone,
    You are the other guy.

    Paul G. Weaver

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    Blessed be those who see the humor
    In their own humanity,
    Laughing with, not at.

    Blessed be those who dare
    To appear weak
    In the practice of gentleness.

    Blessed be the damaged
    Whose pain has taught them
    To recognize the pain in others.

    Blessed be the ones who respond
    Because they know
    And care.

    Paul G Weaver

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    A life is lost.
    It matters not
    What be the species,
    For grief
    Grows out of caring,
    And caring is a gift
    That makes life richer.
    Fear not grief.
    Let it remind you
    That you loved.

    Paul G. Weaver

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    Is limited
    In time,
    But not
    In love.
    So love
    So fully
    That your life
    Is worth
    All the time
    You have.

    Paul G. Weaver

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    Means little to me.
    God, heaven, hell
    Are questions
    I have no way
    Or need to answer.

    I know
    That seeing people
    Put down, diminished
    Or hurt
    Brings me pain

    And seeing people
    Encouraged, respected,
    Brings me joy.

    And when I act
    With caring and kindness,
    Valuing life
    For its own sake,
    I am fulfilled.

    Paul G. Weaver

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    A hand reaches out
    Into the wind,
    Now winter-cutting cold.
    It beckons to the stranger.

    “Be welcome here. Come in.
    This night is growing colder
    Come in and share
    For we have enough.
    We see that you have little.”

    Head bowed, he entered.
    By warmth and caring
    Was quickly surrounded
    And then one spoke to him.

    “You come a stranger,
    Yet we have read
    Your holy book
    And do for you
    As it instructed.”

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Loud voices
    Saying, “believe,
    Love the great,
    Honor power,
    Or be outcast.”

    Deep within
    My small
    Soft voice
    “Love all life,
    Live decently,
    Be gentle,
    Trust yourself
    To judge
    With compassion.”

    Paul G. Weaver
    April, 2007

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    If there be
    A consciousness
    Beyond our own,
    A spirit
    May it forgive
    Who diminish it
    With narrowing
    And the exclusion
    Of all
    Who hold
    Other views,
    Or those
    Who question
    Any or all.

    May they
    In time
    Find the strength
    To accept
    The mystery
    And the wondrous
    Of an expanding
    Paul G. Weaver
    April, 2007

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    To love
    Is to be changed,
    For there is now
    Another in your life,
    One whose presence
    Influences all decisions
    And means as much
    To who you are
    As you do yourself.
    To love means giving up
    And gaining so much more.
    Expanding your present
    Into a forever of tomorrows.

    Paul G Weaver

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    When the sun has set
    And the dark winds sing,
    Can you find the words
    To sing with them?

    When the time of moonrise comes,
    Can you still see shadows
    In the world of night
    And send your thoughts
    Out past the stars?

    When someone offers you
    Their soul to hold,
    Do you cherish the gift
    Beyond all wealth,
    Giving your freely
    And forever?

    Paul G Weaver

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    I am a tangent.
    I am not in the circle,
    Not a radius
    Or an arc.
    In one point only
    Do I touch the circle,
    No part of the circle.
    One point of the infinite.
    That, and Im gone.

    Paul G Weaver